Why you shouldn't hide who you are

Define normal for me

“Why can’t you just act normal?”

“You’re weird…”

Ok. We’ve all heard it at some point and it’s caused us to lose traction and perform differently for our audience. What is the definition of normal? I think we’ve gotten a little far away from understanding ourselves and trying too hard to fit into someone else’s scope of what it means to be “Normal”. Is it then suddenly normal to act like the accuser? I’m considered weird because I am who I was born to be and I don’t spend my entire life hiding who I am, pretending to be someone else’s definition of “Normal”. I haven’t always been that way, at least not openly. Just an FYI, most people will enjoy a true meaningful relationship with you and will more than likely actually like and respect you more if you just be yourself. I know, it seems scary at first. The thought of making yourself vulnerable to others can be frightening or cause personal anxiety.

Vulnerability makes us cautious because being turned down, a.k.a. failure, is seen as a negative interaction. But guess what? It’s not negative. Those are called lessons and they make you stronger, they help you grow. If a person doesn’t want to interact with the real you, then you are not meant to have a relationship with them because there is a conflict with compatibility. AND it’s completely acceptable. Now that you know, you can move forward and progress to the next stage in your life surrounded by those that love you for who you are! You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are yourself. YOU, the real you, is loved.

Only you can free yourself. Who cares what people think. Just be you. But it has to be your choice. No one can choose your path for you. Life isn’t worth wasting just to please others using a fake version of yourself. Besides, life is a lot more fun when your not spending extra energy on something no one will remember or ever actually care about. It might surprise you how much you will enjoy life when your true colors are out in the open for all to see. It might surprise you to find that the majority of people in your life will still love you and not judge you for being awesome. If they do, that’s their problem, not yours.

I give everyone the gift of myself in hopes that they will return I he favor, but not for me, for their own benefit. My hope is to inspire others to become what they dream. The first step: accept your weird self.