Why it's important to reflect on the day

Self awareness is started by reflection

Reflect on the day, each and every night. Take time to indulge in the immediate memories. Stop and breath. That which you love is only a breath away. You might feel that itch to start that next episode on Netflix or scour the depths of Facebook to see that meme that someone has re-posted for the sixteenth time. While Netflix and (very rarely) Facebook might have some good story telling available to you, before you do that, if at all, take a moment to be a human. Step outside, look at the star riddled sky or light a fire in the fire pit. Do something that involves nature, your brain, and some quiet. This time in your life is a great moment for you to put everything into perceptive, where it belongs. Without doing so could cause you to blow things out of proportion or give inattention to something important that needs your focus. Taking this time should enable you to know what your true desires are and what you really feel inside. It can also help you fall back in love with the world and reality you distance yourself from. Don’t mute your feelings. Mute the TV. Many people need therapy, but if you are already opening your mind and finding positive solutions for yourself, therapy is already achieved. You don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to a stranger to be happy.

Besides, just doing these things will quickly show you a few things you may have noticed before but never truly acknowledged. In these moments you will notice that your breathe becomes more even, your mind becomes more clear, and you naturally feel happier. The problems of the world start to seem so small and irreverent to your life when you are actually living your own life rather than using everyone else’s opinions and regurgitated information over and over again. I think positive information can be found on social media, but it’s nothing compared to the reality you can provide yourself by simply breathing the open air and allowing your mind to do what its best at.

When I started to do this instead of allowing my life to be saturated by everything else, I noticed something amazing. My heart had been given back. AND I was the one who stole it from myself in the first place. It’s now mine to truly give away. Your heart can show you whats truly important in your life and where you stand on everything. Where is your heart? You’ll know because it makes all the dumb stuff in the world seem insignificant.