How did I get here?

Sometimes, life gets us down

My goals have always been the same, yet, I don’t completely understand why, in my younger days, filled with time and availability, I was never truly driven to be what I strive to be now? Maybe it’s because at that time, I was satisfied and happy? I’m happy now… but I’m not completely satisfied. So now I grind myself into a path of extreme behavior in order to fulfill a pit of longing and need… What will it take? When will it be enough? Maybe when I actually achieve my goals? Or will I continue to burn the fire hotter and longer? There is definitely something missing. I know that much. Maybe the excess of lost loved ones has put me here? Maybe I need to be the best version of me possible? I don’t know the answer. But I do know, that I have never felt this emotionally charged, passionate, or driven in my entire life. I know that a challenge is willingly accepted without question (unless it could kill me). I know that I love destruction, chaos, and rage as much as I enjoy happiness, joy, and love. I have become a mental warrior, attempting to triumph in every battle. My thirst is always there. I have an overwhelming need to help other people find themselves and unlock their true potential.

There may come a time in life when I need to choose a new direction or path. Not with my writing, but always opening myself to new ideas and ways of living. I ask that you follow me, as a sister or brother. I ask that you never give up on yourself. I will always lead or follow you into the flames of truth and passion. I will fight your demons with you. Will you follow me? Will you stay by my side as I take on my own demons? Or will you flee? It’s better to die quick fighting on your feet, than to live forever begging on your knees. Can you ever be comfortable with that outcome? It’s time to choose your side. Warrior or Victim? I bet I now what side you choose. You are amazing. Never fail yourself.