Becoming a warrior of the mind

Your mind is a weapon. Even against you.

Something I want you to think about the next time you decide to shrug off healthy choices:

One excuse leads to another. One shrug leads to another. Saying you will do it tomorrow can be an unending loop of excuses that leads you to a very different outcome that the one that you envision for yourself.

Is that what you want to be remembered for? Is that how you want to be remembered? As something you could have been? As something you are not? How would you want to remember yourself?

Don’t be defined by things you could have been. Don’t live to regret the choices you never made. You are not defined by the choices you failed to see. You are only defined by the choices you left behind at the cost of yourself. This isn’t about what everyone else thinks. No.

This is about the only judge that matters: You.

Only you will know what you failed to do on purpose. Only you will remember all of the excuses you made. Only you will cause yourself sadness, because you are in control. Only you can control your state of mind, your outcome, your happiness. Only you can make the choice to truly understand yourself.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and become a warrior of the mind. The world has been awaiting your official arrival. Ascend and show everyone who you really are.